Hi there guys, just a quick update that the lack of posts is due to me playing and reviewing Capcoms latest bone-chilling title, Resident Evil VII. Thank you for being patient with me. In the meantime, I am going to be live streaming it over on twitch (

Here also are some of the game deals I’ve seen in the past days.


In wake of the Royal Rumble last night, WWE2K17 is releasing next week on PC and at a great price on WWE2K17 is available to pre-order only at £22.99. I am a fan of WWE games so this is definitely going to be one I’m picking up 

Also on CDKeys the aforementioned Resident Evil 7 is only £27. I am enjoying it a lot so far, but make sure to check back here to see what I really think.

Thank you for understanding, and I’ll be back soon!







Friday Game Deals! 27th January 2017


Hello everyone, and welcome to the first Friday Game Deals. Here is where we go from reviews to deals, scouring the web to find the best deals and savings on all sorts of consoles as well as some good entertainment reductions.

First up;biocock

BioShock Collection is £24.99 on on both Xbox One and PS4:”BioShock: The Collection is the collection of the three previous BioShock titles remastered for next-gen consoles.” It also includes all the DLC for 1,2 and Infinite. Having played them myself, I highly recommend it. I’d even say Infinite is worth the price alone.


Xbox One:

Recent release Final Fantasy XV: Day One Edition is £32 on on both XboxOne and PS4. I haven’t played this game myself, but have only heard good things.  It may fall in price pretty soon, but this is a good deal if you want it now or soon.

“Get ready to be at the centre of the ultimate fantasy adventure. Enter the world of FINAL FANTASY XV, and experience epic action-packed battles along your journey of discovery. You are Noctis, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Lucis, and your quest is to reclaim your homeland from the clutches of the imperial army.

Joined by your closest friends, you will take the wheel and experience a voyage like no other, travelling through the breathtaking world of Eos encountering larger-than-life beasts and unforgiving enemies. You will learn to master the skills of weaponry and magic, channelling the power of your ancestors allowing you to effortlessly warp through the air in thrilling combat.”

Xbox One:


Dead Rising 4 is £25 on I’m a fan of the series but I am yet to pick this one up. This may be my opportunity to!

“It’s the holiday season in Willamette, Colorado and a mysterious outbreak has overrun the Willamette Memorial Megaplex Mall and surrounding town with dangerous and deadly predators.”

Xbox One:

PLEASE NOTE: ShopTo do offer Free UK Delivery. In my experience of using them, the game arrives promptly, often next day, if ordered before 3 pm.

My big deal of the day is the VR Deals. For you PC gamers, the Oculus Rift is £50 off on

The PSVR set is £350 in a selection of retailers including Tesco, Smyths, Argos and Currys PC World. This is personally something I can not wait to get my hands on! VR has excited me for a long long time, and with Sony releasing at an affordable price, it’s something everyone can get.

That’s all for this week. Of course, if I see any more I will edit the post. If you know any good deals, don’t hesitate to leave them below. Thank you for reading.



Archives of Steam: Papers, Please.

Glory to Arstotzka! Today’s review will be on an indie game released in 2013. Maybe not the most known since a game where you play as a border controller for a communist country in the 80’s might not sound like the appealing way to spend your time. However, do not let that stop you from trying this gem of a game.

Communist Arstotzka has just come out the back end of a 6-year war with neighbours Kolechia, the border town of Grestin has been liberated into halves. You are the person in control of this border, denying or allowing people into the fabulous land of grey Arstotzka.  You can just let any old Bill, Tom and Larry in if you want, but it’s not recommended if you want to keep your family from dying a cold, hungry death. The story is relatively lore filled and rich for such a game, with terrorists, spies and secret organisations trying to seep through the borders.


It has a simplistic user face, that starts out pretty empty,  but as the game goes on, terrorism becomes a bit more of a trend, forcing the government to require more documents and information about the civilian trying to enter. That is when the screen then gets a bit more cluttered, therefore maybe making the player a little more flustered. It enhances the frantic experience and slightly captures the stress of being in control of such responsibilities. As you scramble through the maps to see which countries residents are and are not allowed in the country, it does get a little crazy, albeit little obnoxious at times, but alas, ’tis the life of a border patrol worker.

You have the power, the power to arrest, send away or allow people into your country. This game is enhanced by its simplistic graphics, atmospheric sound and love of cold war grey. Along with some lovable repeat “customers”, it has bundles of charm. It is perfect if you’re looking for something different and won’t take up 40 hours of your time. Although, you may just wake up in the middle of the night thinking about that dependent wife or refugee you have to turn away to keep your family afloat.

Paper, Please gets an 8.5 out of 10 for me.


+ Great, simplistic gameplay

+ Graphics and sound fit the theme the game is going for perfectly

+ Tonnes of charm


-Story isn’t the deepest

-Interface can get very clustered

You can get Papers, Please from Steam at £6.99.



Archives of Steam: DmC: Devil May Cry

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog! Before we get into the post and my first review, I just want to share what my blog is about. I have taken inspiration from my girlfriend, who is also an awesome blogger TheFrugalTeen, go check her out, and paired that money saving attitude with a love of games. With reviews being my main focus, gaming news and money saving tips related to entertainment, this blog will be a perfect place for the gamer who maybe has a tighter wallet.

Now, let’s get into my first review. This is a series I’m going to call Archives of Steam. Not the newest games, nor are they the oldest, but they’re the ones that might have been slightly forgotten about. Those games that as soon as you bring them up in conversation, you either get an “I love that game” or a “Never heard of it”. If you don’t feel like paying for new games, but don’t wanna go back to the 90s, these are perfect for you.

First up a personal favourite, “DmC Devil May Cry”. Capcom’s DmC is a reboot of a much-beloved hack ‘n’ slash franchise back in the PS2 days. It was the perfect mix of fluid sword combat, easy to grasp gunplay and kicking music. Not to mention the gargantuan bosses and hordes of aesthetically terrifying enemies. So 5 years after, you think it would be perfect to reboot, no? In the hands of Ninja Theory, it had a great chance.

Well personally, I was very excited about the reboot but the market for hack ‘n’ slash games was slightly niche in 2013. FPS games were the rage. However, DmC showed us they could be done to near perfection in the (almost) modern generation.

We’re going to start out with the story. It starts out with a brown haired Dante (we’ll get to that later) showing that he’s quite the party boy, not just dabbling in sin, but thriving in it. Until Kat, a young medium here to warn Dante of the monsters coming to trap Dante in limbo and ultimately, kill him. Along the way you discover Dante’s past, family and what has gotten him into this mess in the first place. The game introduces Virgil, Dante’s brother and also a Nephilim  (half angel, half demon) like Dante, Kat, a medium working for the Anonymouse like group “The Order” and Mundus, the evil demon king partnered with his witch like mistress Lilith, both of which serve as the game’s main antagonists.

It’s simple and it works, gives you a great reason to slash as many baddies as you want with a simple goal. Take down the big guy. The formula that works for every game. This takes us into the baddies and the bosses. They are great, just like the originals. They come in all shapes and sizes. Of course are harder to beat, some have shields and might require you to juggle those pawn like enemies with the returning pistols, Ebony and Ivory. DmC introduces new weapons and abilities attached to your melee. You have the normal melee sword attacks that are a staple in the series, but also the strong, slow attacks that deal colossal damage, and also fast attacks, but are weaker. All can be combined to make an amazing looking and enemy devastating combo.

Speaking of combat, it’s as fluid as ever. I often find myself wishing some combat sequences never ended, forever juggling enemies, trying to get that perfect combo. That is maybe my only gripe with the game. It can be slow entering and exiting combat sequences. Although, I would be more than happy with the game sending endless enemies my way.

The graphics are stunning. The use of orange, blues, and many other colours make it amazingly appealing to the eye. The enemies look as devilish and the bosses look grotesque (Succubus takes the cake for that one). On the topic of bosses, they provide perfect fodder for Dante’s clever remarks that we have come accustomed to with his smart ass mannerisms.

All in all, the game is great. Perfect if you are a hack ‘n’ slash fan like me. If you liked the series’ previous outing on PS2, you will love this game. You can find the original 2013 version on Steam for about £20 and console about the same.

For a final word, It’s getting a 9/10 from me.


+Great story

+Perfect blend of colourful graphics

+Flawless gunplay and sword combat


– In between combat can be a little slow.